A Lawyer-Drafted GDPR Privacy Policy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which goes into effect May 25, 2018, has strict requirements for anyone doing business with residents of European Union countries.

What’s a coach to do?

gdprFirst of all, deep breath. If you’re a one-woman show, you simply can’t get it all done all by yourself. That’s why we’re here… to help you get it done, one step at a time.

Let’s start with your Privacy Policy.

You’re going to need one. And we’re not talking about a cookie-cutter 1-page doc. Or a computer-generated template that’s one-size-fits all. Or worse, one that you “borrow” off someone else’s website (which would be copyright infringement, btw).

None of the above are going to give you the protection you and your business need in order to be in compliance with the strictest of privacy laws, including the European Union’s new GDPR law that has everyone shakin’ in their boots.

And other countries are talking about instituting similar policies, so you can’t just say, “I just won’t work with anyone in the EU.” (The GDPR considers geo-location profiling a no-no.)

Cover your assets online.

You need a Privacy Policy that is going to do what we are always imploring you to do: Cover your assets online!  We’re talking about a privacy statement that is not only GDPR compliant, but also compliant with strict U.S. privacy laws such as the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and CalOPPA (California Online Privacy Protection Act). If you’re doing business in the U.S., you need to pay close attention to those laws.

We’ve created a Privacy Policy that meets the highest compliance standards. And it’s not cookie-cutter. And we’ve made it so you can customize it yourself so you don’t have to go out and hire a lawyer and pay the crazy-high legal fees that would cost.

Let’s get your assets covered.

We’re offering you a fully customizable DIY Privacy Policy for $197.

  • Comes with detailed and easy-to-follow instructions.
  • It also comes with GDPR Guidelines to give you a better understanding of what the law is all about.
  • And a (printer-friendly) CHECKLIST (we love checklists) that outlines other measures you need to take in order to become GDPR compliant.

Take your head out of the sand… this is business. Let’s get you covered up.

Do-It-Yourself Privacy Policy $197

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